MISSION STATEMENT: To love one another and to make Christ known.
- To the members of Grace Lutheran Church and Armed Forces members: Cards are sent for Birthday’s, Get Well, Thinking of You, Births and Congratulation Cards.
- To members 80 or older: Valentine’s, Easter and Christmas cards.
PRAYER CHAIN: Contact person: Pastor Eric Thiele or church office 365-5605 or Jane Ott
- Maintain regular, confidential contact with those on the prayer chain and in the bulletin. Offer available church services (visitor, meeting with pastor, communion). Provide caring fellowship to those who are ill, afraid or in crisis.
- Add, remove and update the prayer chain and bulletin. Update prayer chain and bulletin requests. Forward all information to Grace Lutheran office [to be forwarded to all prayer chain members].
PARISH VISITORS: Contact person: Pastor Eric Thiele 365-5605 (church phone)
- To bring prayer [and possibly Holy Communion] to those who are unable to participate in parish life.
- Have passion and be a good listener. Be aware of important dates such as Birthday, Mother’s / Father’s Day, Easter, Christmas. Also be aware of family and friends.
- Visit your member on a schedule that works with both of you. Visits typically will include conversation and prayer. Some people are talkative, some are not. Let them know what is going on at Grace. Spiritual resources you may bring: Sunday Bulletin, printed copy of the pastor’s sermon, “Christ in Our Home” devotional book. Keep your visit to about an hour.
GRACEFUL DINING: Contact person: BJ Kobierski ~ Call church office 365-5605
This event is for members of Grace to socialize and enjoy an evening together. For the summer months the coordinator arranges to have this event at individual homes [often with a theme] or in July the event is in Whiteside Park. In the winter months the coordinator assigns 3 -4 couple groups together and they rotate homes starting in February – May. Everyone is invited to join – single or couples.
- To the members of Grace Lutheran Church and Armed Forces members: Cards are sent for Birthday’s, Get Well, Thinking of You, Births and Congratulation Cards.
- To members 80 or older: Valentine’s, Easter and Christmas cards.
PRAYER CHAIN: Contact person: Pastor Eric Thiele or church office 365-5605 or Jane Ott
- Maintain regular, confidential contact with those on the prayer chain and in the bulletin. Offer available church services (visitor, meeting with pastor, communion). Provide caring fellowship to those who are ill, afraid or in crisis.
- Add, remove and update the prayer chain and bulletin. Update prayer chain and bulletin requests. Forward all information to Grace Lutheran office [to be forwarded to all prayer chain members].
PARISH VISITORS: Contact person: Pastor Eric Thiele 365-5605 (church phone)
- To bring prayer [and possibly Holy Communion] to those who are unable to participate in parish life.
- Have passion and be a good listener. Be aware of important dates such as Birthday, Mother’s / Father’s Day, Easter, Christmas. Also be aware of family and friends.
- Visit your member on a schedule that works with both of you. Visits typically will include conversation and prayer. Some people are talkative, some are not. Let them know what is going on at Grace. Spiritual resources you may bring: Sunday Bulletin, printed copy of the pastor’s sermon, “Christ in Our Home” devotional book. Keep your visit to about an hour.
GRACEFUL DINING: Contact person: BJ Kobierski ~ Call church office 365-5605
This event is for members of Grace to socialize and enjoy an evening together. For the summer months the coordinator arranges to have this event at individual homes [often with a theme] or in July the event is in Whiteside Park. In the winter months the coordinator assigns 3 -4 couple groups together and they rotate homes starting in February – May. Everyone is invited to join – single or couples.